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Charles R. Rogers


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Charles R. Rogers (July 15, 1892 – March 29, 1957), was an American film producer whose career spanned both the silent and sound film eras. Rogers began his career on the 1924 silent film, A Cafe in Cairo, produced by the short-lived Hunt Stromberg Productions. After Stromberg ceased productions in 1925, Rogers would found his own independent company, Charles R. Rogers Productions. He would also produce for major studios such as RKO Radio Pictures, Universal, and United Artists. The pinnacle of his career would be from 1936 to 1938 when he was chosen as the vice-president in charge of production for Universal Pictures. He died as the result of injuries sustained in a car accident in 1957.

Source: Wikidata , May 2022

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15 Jul 1892
29 Mar 1957 (aged 64)
Production Places
United States of America

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