28 Nov – 12 Dec 2020
See below for additional related events
Doorways OS is a nostalgic world with a contemporary story. It’s an open-world-ish, operating-system-ish, narrative-ish, retro-ish game that sits in a floating world of old-but-not internet culture that has and hasn’t existed.
Studio Vaporgoth wanted to make an accessible game that provided the same feelings of discovery and trepidation of exploring the internet independently as a teenager going down late night rabbit holes and finding communities. The standalone demo version takes approximately 30–40 minutes to play through.
Become part of the ACMI + RMIT Audience Lab by downloading and playing Doorways OS and providing feedback via Discord.
Share your experience of playing the game via the Twitter hashtag #acmirmit – comment, upload a video of you playing or share some screen grabs.
About Studio Vaporgoth
Morgan Meehan-Lam is an artist, game designer, maker of things and Tassie ex-pat in Melbourne. She is excited about history, games that aren't games, cemetery walks and yum cha. Check out Morgan's Itch.io page and connect with her via Twitter or Instagram, or her website.
Kiri Wright is an artist, writer, cosplayer, video maker and renaissance dandy also residing in Melbourne. They are currently interested in Medieval floral designs, letter writing, short films and not being suffocated by Melbourne pollen. Connect with Kiri via Twitter.
Matt Meehan-Lam is a musician and composer from Hobart, Tasmania. He can lift very heavy things and provided the soundtrack and sound-editing for Doorways OS. He's a good sport.