What do freak-science, fairies and queer flower coding have in common?
These themes intersect in a new experimental video work by Te Whanganui A-Tara based artist Laura Duffy. Spawn explores political underpinnings of categorisations of ‘natural’ and ‘unnatural’ in relation to bodies. Exploring critically the process of bodies considered natural or normal.
Spawn is an ACMI + CIRCUIT Commission which supports an invited Australasian artist to deliver an experimental new work specifically for an online context.
Work commissioned through the ACMI + CIRCUIT commission will enter the ACMI + CIRCUIT collections and is hosted on each organisation’s site.
Categorisations of natural and unnatural have been weaponised against queers to erase, control and oppress. My work attempts to critique and shatter binary thinking of natural and unnatural as separate, embracing the complexity and blur of binaries.
About Laura Duffy
Laura Duffy is a Pākehā artist based in Te Whanganui-A-Tara, Aotearoa. Her practise explores pleasure or joy derived from failure, error and disgust. Duffy often uses film, low-fi animation & digital media to explore porous boundaries between perceptions of binary concepts. Duffy’s multimedia visual practise is interested in queer ecology and queer desire.
A gentle, little universe
Laura Duffy on the making of Spawn
We spoke to the Te Whanganui A-Tara based artist about user-friendly online exhibitions, making art during the pandemic and the textures and layers of her Gallery 5 work.
Gallery 5
Explore art that reflects, celebrates and interrogates the internet and digital culture through a series of free virtual exhibitions and performances.