Wed 15 Feb 2023
See below for additional related events
Night Time Go (2017)

On 19 September 1943, a group of Karrabing ancestors escaped from a war internment camp and walked over 300 kilometres back to their coastal homelands in Northern Australia. Night Time Go is an exploration of the settler state’s attempt to remove Indigenous people from their lands during the Second World War using truck, train and rifle, and the refusal of the Karrabing ancestors to be detained.
Karrabing Film Collective is an Indigenous media group based in Australia’s Northern Territories that uses filmmaking and installation as a form of grassroots resistance and self-organisation.
Karrabing Film Collective | 31 mins | English
Three Thousand (2017)

Inuk artist Asinnajaq’s beautiful short film uses archival footage of her people, recontextualising racist ethnographic type footage. The film is overlayed with brillant animation, mixing old with new.
Asinnajaq | 12 mins | English
Nikamowin (2007)

Shot in first person, this short film by Swampy Cree artist Kevin Lee Burton, explores how language and traditional knowledges can be coherently iterated within technological contexts. A conversation between self and ancestor, Nikamowin experiments with language to create a linguistic soundscape.
Kevin Lee Burton | 12 Mins | Cree, English
A Thousand Suns (2013)

Mati Diop revisits the legacy of her uncle’s 1973 cult classic, Touki Bouki, in a film that blurs the lines between documentary and drama. It follows Touki Bouki’s star Magaye Niang, who unlike his costar has stayed in Senegal – from international movie star to farmer. A Thousand Suns is an intimate and personal portrait of Dakar today.
Mati Diop | 45 Mins | Wolof, French
How I See It – Film Program (18 Jan – 15 Feb 2023)
There are no upcoming related events at this time.

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