Sommaren med Monika = Summer with Monika

Sweden, 1952

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A chance meeting between Harry, an errand boy, and Monika, a wild and reckless young woman from the poorer quarter of Stockholm (a strikingly assured performance by Andersson), leads to an affair and an escape from the city for a holiday on the nearby islands. The summer idyll is abruptly shattered when Monika finds that she is pregnant. While Harry accepts the responsibilities of parenthood, Monika is less willing. The light and open space of the islands is contrasted with the dark claustrophobia of the city. Also available on VHS.

Credits: Producer, Allan Ekelund ; director, Ingmar Bergman ; writers, Ingmar Bergman, Per Anders Fogelstrom ; photography, Gunnar Fischer ; music, Erik Nordgren ; editors, Tage Holmberg, Gosta Lewin.
Cast: Harriet Andersson, Lars Ekborg.

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Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.

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