Liao Zhongkai: a close friend of Sun Yat-sen

China, 1983

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The film represents the final years of Kuomintang (the KMT, also known as the Nationalist Party which retreated to Taiwan in 1949) leader Liao Zhongkai in the 1920s. In June 1922, civil governor of Guangdong, Chen Jiongming attacked Sun Yat-sen’s residence and forced him to escape. Sun’s friend and assistant Liao Zhongkai was arrested. Although Chen released Liao due to pressure from different parties, Liao was on Chen’s hit list. Liao and his wife escaped to Shanghai to meet Sun Yat-sen with help from friends.
The 1920s was a time that China’s Qing dynasty had been overthrown and warlords and different political parties were all competing for power. Liao supported Sun’s initiative of reforming the KMT by recruiting Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members. Liao went to Japan on behalf of Sun to meet Russian Communist representatives, which laid a foundation for Sun’s policy. In 1923, Sun retook Guangzhou (capital of Guangdong province) and appointed Chen to be financier of the KMT and governor of Guangdong. Liao had to fight with the Rightists in KMT, who were against the KMT-CCP cooperation.
Liao lost the battle to the Rightists and was forced to resign. 1924 witnessed riots in Guangzhou again, but Liao led his force and repressed it. In 1925, Sun died in Beijing and Liao decided to uphold Sun’s policy. Liao’s pro-Communist political stance irritated the KMT Rightists who plotted a murder again him on 20 August 1925. Liao died at the age of 48.

The film was awarded Best Director and Best Actor at the 4th PRC Golden Rooster Film Festival in 1984. Liao Zhongkai is a key figure in modern Chinese history. Although Liao was a KMT leader, he was praised by the CCP for his pro-communist stance. Liao’s wife, He Xiangning was also well-known as a key founder of China’s Revolutionist Party, and there is an art museum named after her in Shenzhen. (3.5 stars - Yuxing Zhou; December 16, 2010)

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Tang Xiaodan


Lan Weijie

production company

Pearl River Film Studio



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