A concert for the unemployed was staged at the Rainbow with a line-up that included Tom Robinson, the Beat, Black Slate, OK Jive and Alexei Sayle. This film is a record of that concert and of the situation which prompted it. Discussions with the young unemployed are set against the rhetoric of the Thatcher regime.
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Our collection comprises over 40,000 moving image works, acquired and catalogued between the 1940s and early 2000s. As a result, some items may reflect outdated, offensive and possibly harmful views and opinions. ACMI is working to identify and redress such usages.
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ACMI Identifier
Subject categories
Documentary → Documentary films - Great Britain
Economics, Philosophy, Politics, Religion & Sociology → Economic policy
Economics, Philosophy, Politics, Religion & Sociology → Great Britain - Economic conditions
Economics, Philosophy, Politics, Religion & Sociology → Great Britain - Politics and government
Economics, Philosophy, Politics, Religion & Sociology → Great Britain - Social conditions
Economics, Philosophy, Politics, Religion & Sociology → Rationalism - Economic aspects
Economics, Philosophy, Politics, Religion & Sociology → Social work with youth
Economics, Philosophy, Politics, Religion & Sociology → Unemployed youth
Economics, Philosophy, Politics, Religion & Sociology → Unemployment
Feature films → Feature films - Great Britain
Music & Performing Arts → Concerts
Music & Performing Arts → Music - Great Britain
16mm film; Access Print (Section 1)