A Fortunate Life, the remarkable story of Bert Facey, an ordinary Australian whose extraordinary life spans some of the most significant historical milestones along Australia’s path to nationhood. Adapted from the best selling novel, “A Fortunate Life”, Facey’s experiences constitute a moving saga from his harsh early days as a child on the goldfields of Kalgoorlie, through his adolescence as a bushman in rugged North-West Australia, to the savage bloody carnage on the beaches of Gallipoli. Through it all Bert Facey remains optimistic and totally without cynicism. “A Fortunate Life” is an inspirational tale of one man’s struggle against seemingly overwhelming barriers to achieve peace and contentment. Rated: PG
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In ACMI's collection
Collection metadata
ACMI Identifier
Subject categories
Advertising, Film, Journalism, Mass Media & TV → Television programs - Australia
History → Facey, A.B. (Albert Barnett)
Literature → Australian literature - Film and video adaptations
People → Facey, A.B. (Albert Barnett)
Television → Television programs → Television programs - Australia
VHS; Access Print (Section 1)