Artists included are: Charles Blackman, Mike Brown, Ray Crooke, Rosalie Gascoigne, Inge King, Robert Klippel, Les Kossatz, Alun Leach-Jones, John Perceval, Gareth Sansom, Gordon Sheperdson, John Wolseley. Eight of the artists speak about their work on location at an exhibition. Catalogue essay writers speak about the work of the artists unable to appear. The documentary was devised by John Massy.
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Collection metadata
ACMI Identifier
Subject categories
Crafts & Visual Arts → Art - Exhibitions
Crafts & Visual Arts → Art, Modern - 20th century - Australia
Crafts & Visual Arts → Blackman, Charles, 1928-
Crafts & Visual Arts → Brown, Mike, 1938-
Crafts & Visual Arts → Crooke, Ray, 1922-
Crafts & Visual Arts → Gascoigne, Rosalie, 1917-
Crafts & Visual Arts → King, Inge, 1918-
Crafts & Visual Arts → Klippel, Robert, 1920-
Crafts & Visual Arts → Kossatz, Les
Crafts & Visual Arts → Leach-Jones, Alun, 1937-
Crafts & Visual Arts → Massy, John
Crafts & Visual Arts → Perceval, John, 1923-
Crafts & Visual Arts → Sansom, Gareth, 1939-
Crafts & Visual Arts → Sheperdson, Gordon
Crafts & Visual Arts → Wolseley, John, 1938-
People → Blackman, Charles, 1928-
People → Gascoigne, Rosalie, 1917-
People → Klippel, Robert, 1920-
People → Leach-Jones, Alun, 1937-
People → Perceval, John, 1923-
People → Sansom, Gareth, 1939-
VHS; Access Print (Section 1)