Episode of Series “Dragons tongue. - Series 2.”.
In this Chinese language program, Professor Colin Mackerras looks at the importance of family in Chinese culture, especially since the law restricted family size to one child in order to contain the population. Chinese Law since the 1950’s forbade polygamy and arranged marriages, and now young people can choose their own partners. The status of women and girls is discussed and the problems encountered raising single children. The program also looks at oracle bones and how these lead to the creation of written language.
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Collection metadata
ACMI Identifier
Subject categories
Advertising, Film, Journalism, Mass Media & TV → Foreign language films
Advertising, Film, Journalism, Mass Media & TV → Television
Anthropology, Ethnology, Exploration & Travel → China - Social life and customs
Economics, Philosophy, Politics, Religion & Sociology → China - Social conditions
Education, Instruction, Teaching & Schools → Chinese characters
Education, Instruction, Teaching & Schools → Chinese language
Education, Instruction, Teaching & Schools → Chinese language - Writing
Education, Instruction, Teaching & Schools → Open learning
VHS; Access Print (Section 1)