The Charm of Britain

Australia, 1993

TV show
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Britain in the 1990’s is in a period of transition. There’s division about the future of the Royal Family and doubts about the country’s closer links with Europe. Many in Scotland would like to become independent. The Welsh also want greater autonomy in running their own affairs. But through it all, the British remain British - and custodians of one of the most beautiful islands on earth. Less than a thousand kilometres long from top to bottom, and home to almost 60 million people, Great Britain may not be the world power it once was, but in terms of history and culture, it still has few equals. Our intention is to travel the length of this amazingly diverse country, observing the growing independence of many of its regions, sampling its rich traditions, as we discover for ourselves “The Charm of Britain”.

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This work has not been digitised and is currently unavailable to view online. It may be possible for approved reseachers to view onsite at ACMI.

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Greg Grainger

production company

Seven Network Limited (Australia)



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Production dates

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