Episode number 10 of Series “Faces of culture”.
Prompted by a desire to rediscover the extended family pattern of existence of his grandparents, anthropologist Hubert L. Smith lived for some time in the small Mexican village of Chican where the people still followed a traditional pattern of growing corn, beans and squash in jungle clearings, whilst being aware of the modern world nearby. In particular he studied one family and their attempt at sending the two youngest children away to school. The program successfully shows the reasons for the extended family in this environment and how it may have to change. Narrated by David Carradine.
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ACMI Identifier
Subject categories
Anthropology, Ethnology, Exploration & Travel → Indians of Central America
Economics, Philosophy, Politics, Religion & Sociology → Acculturation
Economics, Philosophy, Politics, Religion & Sociology → Family - Social aspects
Family, Gender Identity, Relationships & Sexuality → Acculturation
VHS; Access Print (Section 1)