Sophie's choice

United States, 1982

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Based on the novel by William Styron, this is a remarkably faithful adaptation of the original best-seller. Meryl Streep gives a glorious performance as Sophie Zawistowska, the tragic Polish Catholic beauty, who having survived Auschwitz, has settled in America after World War II. The time is 1947. Stingo (Peter MacNicol), a 22 year-old aspiring writer from rural Virginia, rents a room in a Brooklyn boarding house. He is drawn to his exotic upstairs neighbours, Sophie and Nathan (Kevin Kline), a madly romantic couple whose instability and flamboyance utterly capture this young man’s imagination. The deeper he delves into these people’s lives, the more he learns that each harbours terrible and terrifying secrets. This personalised view of the Holocaust and its devastating effect on one woman who survived it, is a shattering, moving experience.

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