Mountains of the moon

United Kingdom, 1990

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In the 1850’s, two British officers, Captain Richard Burton and Lieutenant John Hanning Speke, set out on a spectacular adventure to discover the source of the Nile. As they pushed deeper and deeper into the hitherto unexplored regions of the African wilderness, they forged strong bonds of friendship in order to survive the great dangers which befell them. It was ironical then, that a friendship which had endured so much in Africa, was ultimately destroyed by the rigidity and competitiveness of Victorian England and its aristocracy. Burton, played by Patrick Bergin, is a larger than life character; a “maverick” geographer whose love affair and marriage to Isabelle, (Fiona Shaw), was “the stuff from which legends were made”. Speke, (Iain Glen), was the son of an aristocrat, bound by the strict conventions of his time. Together they embarked on one of the greatest explorations in history. Divided, their friendship in tatters, and their reputations in jeopardy, Speke ended his life tragically, and Burton quit England.

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Bob Rafelson


Daniel Melnick

production company

Daniel Melnick




Production places
United Kingdom
Production dates

Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.

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