Le Colonel Chabert

France, 1994

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Colonel Chabert (Gerard Depardieu) is a decorated soldier who miraculously survives the brutal 1807 Battle of Eylau. So badly injured, it takes the Colonel 10 years to recover and make his way back to Paris. When he returns, he finds himself officially listed as dead. Meanwhile his “widow” (Fanny Ardant) has claimed his fortune and taken a new husband, the politically ambitious Count Ferraud (Andre Dussolier) with whom she has two children. Content with her marriage and social standing, Countess Ferraud refuses to acknowledge the now downtrodden Chabert as her former husband. To regain his name, his fortune, and his wife, Chabert hires the brilliant and ruthless attorney Derville (Fabrice Luchini), while Countess Chabert sets in motion a plan to have him removed from her life once and for all. Adapted from a novel by Honore de Balzac. In French with English sub-titles.

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