Day of wrath

Denmark, 1943

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Set in 17th century Europe, “Day of Wrath” is an intense and tragic study of how a young woman is destroyed by the charge of witchcraft. Anne is married to the much older pastor, Absalon Pedersson. She is attracted to her step-son Martin and when Absalon dies of a heart attack, the accusations begin that his death was caused through Anne’s sorcery. Now considered one of the great works of European cinema, “Day of Wrath” is not interested in the occult as much as it explores the psychology of harsh puritanism, especially the debilitating effects of such repression on women. From her initial horror at the accusations, to her remorse and final acceptance, Anne’s story transcends the supernatural and becomes a terrifyingly contemporary study of alienation and emotional betrayal. Based on the play “Anne Pedersdotter” by Wiers Jenssens, Dreyer has reconceived the story and created one of the great feminist works of cinema. Released in Denmark during the Nazi occupation, “Day of Wrath” resonates as a study of terror, hatred and collaboration. With Thorkid Roose, Ilsbeth Movin and Sigrid Neiiendam. In Danish with English subtitles.

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