Snake eyes

United States, 1998

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Set against the backdrop of a high profile boxing match, gaudy casino and an immanent hurricane, this essentially interior crime thriller centres around 2 friends and law enforcement agents, one of whom may or may not be corrupt. Detective Ray Santoro (Nicolas Cage) is an Atlantic City cop, willing to take a bribe, dreaming of being on television, and always getting results. He meets his long time friend, Navy Commander Kevin Dunne (Gary Sinise), ringside, at a heavyweight bought signalling the swan song of the Atlantic City arena, where they, along with thousands of spectators witness the political assassination of the U.S Secretary of Defence. The stadium is shut down as Santoro leads the investigation, searching for a mysterious woman (Carla Gugion) seen speaking to the secretary shortly before he was killed. Dunne, meanwhile, is taking credit for locating the shooter, a Palestinian fall guy. As Santoro finds his witness, he learns of a conspiracy involving the Norfolk testing and learns the shocking truth about his friend. With state of the art surveillance equipment in the stadium, all eyes are watching proceeding and nothing can escape detection. When the truth is finally revealed, Santoro is forced to question his loyalty to Dunne, and whether he will live up to his reputation as a corrupt cop. Cast also includes John Heard, Stan Shaw and Michael Rispoli.

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In ACMI's collection



Brian De Palma

production company

Paramount Pictures




Production places
United States
Production dates

Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.

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