American history X (D)

United States, 1998

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Rage vented as racism. Derek Vinyard (Edward Norton) seeks retribution for his father’s murder, and through his distorted logic and his charismatic leadership qualities, commands a growing army of skinheads at Venice Beach, California. Nobody looks up to Derek as much as his younger brother Danny (Edward Furlong), despite the efforts of his mother and teacher to persuade him otherwise. What should have been a case of self-defence, Derek violently attacks and murders an African American attempting to break into his car. After spending 3 years in prison, everyone awaits his return; his gang, his violent girlfriend and his younger brother. But Derek no longer shares the same views he once embraced as a badge of honour. What follows is a race to save his Danny and his family from the violence he’d brought down on so many others. Script by David McKenna.

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