Bloodbath at the house of death

United Kingdom, 1984

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Imagine all the horror films you have ever seen, blend them together in one big send-up and you have “Bloodbath and the house of death” written by Barry Cryer along with Ray Cameron who also produced, directed as well as acted in a bit part in the film. It’s all there from the howling wind, shutting doors, shadowy figures and things that go bump in the night to satanic rituals and mass murders and a good measure of blood and guts. It begins at a rural English estate at Headstone Manor where sometime before, a bloody massacre of eighteen people occurred, and ever since, the Manor has purported to be haunted by a satanic phenomena. Six scientists are sent to Headstone Manor to investigate and what follows is a parody of events building up to the planned killing of the scientists by the quite crazy “Sinister Man” (beautifully hammed up by Vincent Price), leader of the Satanic cult who inhabit the Manor. This is total spoof with lots of one-liners, soap-opera acting and a touch of Python humor - very British and quite entertaining. Stars well-known British TV comedian Kenny Everett as Dr Lukas Mandeville and Pamela Stephenson as Dr Barbara Coyle. Cast also includes Gareth Hunt, Don Warrington, John Fortune, Sheila Steafel, John Stephen Hill, Cleo Rocos and Graham Stark.

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In ACMI's collection



Ray Cameron

production company

Wildwood Productions



Production places
United Kingdom
Production dates

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