Divorcing Jack

United Kingdom, 1998

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Starkey (David Thewlis) is an Irish journalist, known for his cynicism and satirical wit, who nurses a serious drinking problem. When Starkey is kicked out of the marital home for infidelity, he falls into bed with the beautiful Margaret, whose ex-boyfriend is connected with the IRA. When Margaret turns up dead Starkey is the number one suspect and is forced to go on the lam, with several factions, including the police and the IRA after his scalp. An upcoming election is somehow linked with the murder and as Starkey evades capture (with a lame disguise and the help of a nurse who also works as a nun-o-gram), he struggles to figure out how the two are connected. “Divorcing Jack” has plenty of bloodshed, beatings, car chases, torture and swearing as well as a convoluted plot involving various terrorist factions. A black comedy that takes a cynical view of the machinations of politics, the press and the Northern Ireland peace process, “Divorcing Jack” has a script riddled with deft one-liners, all delivered in a thick Irish brogue.

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