The Limey

United States, 1999

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Steven Soderbergh’s “The Limey” is an understated revenge thriller which uses John Boorman’s stylistically daring, “Point blank” (1967) as its template. Terence Stamp’s stoic crim, Wilson, shares similar traits to Lee Marvin’s character in “Point blank”, mainly an unflinching determination and a blood thirsty drive for revenge. Fresh from the UK, recent ex-con Wilson lands in the sun drenched opulence of Los Angeles, when he receives news that his estranged daughter, Jenny (Melissa George), has perished in a car accident. Wilson learns that his daughter was seeing a wealthy record producer called Valentine (Peter Fonda), whose shady connections to the L.A. underworld make him suspect that his daughter’s death was no accident. Soderbergh takes much pleasure in placing the thuggish ‘fish out of water’ Wilson in the middle of the trendy L.A. elite, while pitting two icons of the sixties, Stamp and Fonda against each other. The film’s themes of nostalgia and loss are cleverly realised in its complex editing structure which jumps back and forth through time, (this being “The Limey’s” most obvious nod to “Point blank”). Soderbergh however is also trading on a different kind of nostalgia by showcasing the acting talents of Terence Stamp, this loving homage accumulates in a scene from Ken Loach’s “Poor cow” (1968), (which starred a very young Stamp), a cherished film memory for Wilson and the audience alike. Cast includes: Lesley Ann Warren, Luis Guzman, Barry Newman, Joe Dallesandro.

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In ACMI's collection



Steven Soderbergh


John Hardy

Scott Kramer

production company

Artisan Pictures



Production places
United States
Production dates

Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.

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