The Mexican [DVD]

United States, 2001

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The Mexican is a blend of the caper film and the romantic comedy. Jerry Welbach (Brad Pitt), a rather goofy, inept lackey, is sent to Mexico to retrieve a prized, ancient gun, and return it to his boss, Nayman (Bob Balaban). Although this kind of work places a great strain on his relationship with Samantha Barzel (Julia Roberts), a highly strung, impetuous woman, who got in the way of his previous job, Jerry has no choice but to do this one final task. Samantha rejects this ultimatum and decides to leave her fiancee because of his “selfishness”. So, Jerry goes to Mexico and Samantha heads to Las Vegas, where she intends to become a waitress. Whilst Jerry’s adventure in Mexico is full of surprises and detours, Samantha is taken hostage by a hitman, Leroy (James Gandolfini), with whom she develops a strong friendship. Stereotypes about Mexicans and life “south of the border” abound, providing a backdrop for Brad and Julia. James Gandolfini injects much needed energy and charisma into the film, and the scenes between him as a cold-blooded killer providing advice on relationships to Julia are its most convincing and affecting.

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In ACMI's collection



Gore Verbinski


John Baldecchi

Lawrence Bender

production company


Newmarket Capital Group



Production places
United States
Production dates

Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.

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