Angels with dirty faces

United States, 1938

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Despite his success in musicals and comedies throughout his career, James Cagney will be remembered best for his tough guys roles in “White heat”, “Public enemy” and “Angels with dirty faces”. Boyhood friends Rocky (Cagney) and Jerry (Pat O’Brien) grew up in opposite directions; one a hoodlum, the other a priest overseeing a group of orphans in the neighbourhood where he and Rocky grew up. These youngsters idolise Rocky and soon they’re breaking the law in an effort to win his respect. Fearing for the boys’ future, Father Connelly takes a stand against Rocky’s underworld ways, leading to one of the classic James Cagney shoot outs. The ending of this picture transcends its gangster-film surface and elevates it to that of meaningful social commentary, wherein Rocky has to face the true meaning of courage. The case also includes a young Humphrey Bogart as Rocky’s two-faced lawyer.

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