Pathfinder = Ofelas [Dubbed]

Norway, 1987

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Amongst the Lapp people, this story has been passed on from generation to generation for almost a thousand years.. This is a beautifully produced and directed film about a Saami legend starring Saami actors, set in a stark but breathtaking location in Finland. Taking place a thousand years ago, the film opens dramatically. Sixteen-year-old Aigin (Mikkel Gaup) witnesses the slaughter of his family, including both his parents and his younger sister, by the brutal warrior Tchudes, a roaming tribe of warlike people. Aigin, who is fortuitous enough to escape the murdering Tchudes takes on an epic adventure from firstly seeking help and comfort from a neighbouring village, to unwittingly being captured by the invading Tchudes and finally, to heroically reaping vengeance on those who killed his family. This ancient legend vividly portrays the hard life of the Saami people, their customs, many of which still exist today, and director Nils Gaup (Vanishing frontier, 1993 documentary) conveys the story in a simplistic, honest, and at times confronting way. A most compelling film. Cast also includes John Sigurd Kristensen, Helgi Skulason, Svein Scharffenberg, Inger Utsi, Nils Utsi, Anne-Marja Blind. Nominated for Best Foreign Picture in the 1987 Oscar Awards.

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This work has not been digitised and is currently unavailable to view online. It may be possible for approved reseachers to view onsite at ACMI.

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In ACMI's collection



Nils Gaup


John Jacobsen

production company


Norsk Film

Norway Film Development Company A/S



Production places
Production dates

Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.

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