If these walls could talk 2

United States, 2000

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If These Walls Could Talk 2 is 3 short stories over 3 separate decades involving lesbian couples. The first story 1961 features Vanessa Redgrave in an Emmy award winning performance playing Edith whose partner has died after a stroke and has to inhere her partners Nephew wanting to sell up her home not ever realising that his Aunt and Edith were in a relationship for over 30 years. 1972 is about Linda (Michelle Williams) who meets and can’t resist Amy another young lesbian who takes on a very masculine appearance much to the ridicule of Linda’s fellow housemates who see themselves as a group of passionate feminists. Finally 2000 which features Sharon Stone and Ellen Degeneres as a loving committed couple who want to have a baby. Some of the issues they must cope with are do they get a friend to help them, do they go to a sperm bank or should they try the treatment at home.

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