Shall we dance?

Japan, 1995

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Suo’s second feature after his offbeat comic debut “Sumo Do, Sumo Don’t”, this wistful comedy about a Japanese salaryman who discovers the joys of ballroom dancing was hugely successful in its country of origin. Each evening, as he commutes home to his wife and daughter, Shohei Sugiyama, a typically strait-laced Japanese businessmen, catches a glimpse of a beautiful woman gazing out the window of a dance school. Unable to contain his curiosity, he enrols for classes in order to make contact with her. A snooty ex-professional dancer, she keeps her distance from Sugiyama, but through his newfound love of dancing he befriends a group of people who share his secret passion, including an office colleague who becomes a flamboyant mambo king on the dance floor. Touching and uplifting, the film also offers a subtle critique of restrictive cultural norms in a country where ballroom dancing is regarded as a slightly embarrassing, suspicious past-time because of the close physical proximity of the dancers. Cast includes Koji Yakusho, Taoiyo Kusakari, Naoto Takenaka and Eriko Watanabe. In Japanese with English subtitles.

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In ACMI's collection



Masayuki Suo


Shoji Masui

Tetsuya Ikeda

Yuji Ogata

production company

Altamira Pictures

Daiei Motion Picture Company


Nihon Eiga Shin-sha

Nihon Terebi



Production places
Production dates

Collection metadata

Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.

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