The Fox

Canada, 1967

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Based on D.H. Lawrence’s novella of the same name, “The Fox” is a study of human relationships and just how far the boundaries can be pushed in the name of love. Lesbian couple, Jill Banford (Sandy Dennis) and Ellen March, (Anne Heywood) fondly referred to as “March” by Jill, live in a remote snowbound cabin in the Canadian countryside where they struggle to live off a farm, raising a few chickens which to their dismay, are gradually being decimated by a marauding fox. To March, the fox has become symbolic, a challenge, at a time when she is beginning to question her relationship with Jill. Her moods have become reflective, her sexual desires repressed and unfulfilled. Jill, sensing the detachment, feels confused and insecure. With the unexpected arrival of Paul Grenfel (Keir Dullea), a young, goodlooking stranger, March and Jill’s world is turned completely upside down. The attraction between Paul and March brings conflict and tension for all three leading to an eventual confrontation where choices have to be made. The story is full of innuendos, symbolism and cliches but the acting is strong and the cinematography atmospheric. Screenplay by Lewis John Carlino and Howard Koch.

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This work has not been digitised and is currently unavailable to view online. It may be possible for approved reseachers to view onsite at ACMI.

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In ACMI's collection



Mark Rydell


Raymond Stross

production company

Claridge Pictures

Motion Pictures International



Production places
Production dates

Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.

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