La Cage aux Folles II

France, 1980

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Comic sequel to the phenomenally popular French farce about aging gay couple Renato and Albin—the proprietor and main attraction of a Riviera drag cabaret. This time Renato’s suggestion that Albo is a bit too mature to impersonate a young Marlene Dietrich sets off a series of madcap adventures. When Albin, dressed in drag, is picked up by a spy escaping enemy agents, the couple unwittingly find themselves innocent victims of a murderous espionage ring and are forced to flee, escaping to Italy in an mishap packed cross country journey to hide out on Renato’s family’s farm. The hilarity continues as Albin finds that his attractiveness has not diminished after all, when he becomes an object of lust for a group of lonely farmhands. The comic talents of Michel Serrault, and the chemistry between him and Ugo Tognazzi are a highlight of the film. In French with English subtitles.

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In ACMI's collection



Edouard Molinaro


Marcello Danon

production company

Paris Da Ma Produzione

Productions Artistes Associes



Production places
Production dates

Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.

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