Perdita Durango

Mexico, 1997

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The titular protagonist of “Perdita Durango” originated in the David Lynch film “Wild at heart”, as a character played by Isabella Rossellini. In this film Perdita (Rosie Perez) hooks up with Romeo Dolorosa (Javier Bardem) and the two cross the border into Mexico, embarking on a spree of violence, rape and murder. Romeo believes he is protected by unearthly forces and engages in voodoo rituals in order to appease the Gods and maintain his power. After robbing a bank, and crossing an old partner, Romeo agrees to steal a truck full of human foetuses for Santos, a paedophile and crime boss, who is to use them for cosmetic experiments. Romeo and Perdita decide to kidnap two gringos in order to kill, sexually abuse and eat them. A surrealistic action packed film, “Perdito Durango” dabbles in the dark arts as a backdrop to a violent spree of bloodshed and mayhem. Some scenes may disturb viewers.

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