Wombling free

United Kingdom, 1977

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Based on the original Womble Books and characters created by Elizabeth Beresford and on the BBC television series designed by Ivor Wood and produced by Graham Clutterbuck, this feature length film brings those dear fat furry Wombles to life and into our hearts. Since Adam and Eve, the Wombles’ mission is to keep the world a tidy place, to pick up the mess that human beings leave behind and to try and make human beings listen to the message that they should not litter the environment or create pollution of any kind. “Wombling free” takes us to England and the home of the Wombles of Wimbledon Common where we meet Madame Cholet, the most famous Womble cook in the whole world, Tomsk and Bungo, fat, greedy and lazy Orinoco, Wellington, a clever inventor who lacks confidence and Great Uncle Bulgaria (who narrates the story). Only those who believe in the Wombles can see the Wombles and whilst attempting to get the human beings to listen to his message of anti-litter anti-pollution, Bungo makes friends with a young schoolgirl named Felicity “Kim” Frogmorton who helps Bungo in convincing other human beings, including her parents, that Wombles do indeed exist. There are plots and sub-plots but this delightful story is filled with magic, music, song and dance and lots of funny fat furry characters who manage to spread the serious message of caring for the environment in a light-hearted, easy to understand way. Cast includes David Tomlinson, Frances de la Tour, Bernard Spear, Yasuko Nagazumi and Bonnie Langford as Kim.

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