Mary Poppins [DVD]

United States, 1964

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Based on the “Mary Poppins” books by P.L. Travers, this Walt Disney masterpiece stars Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke, David Tomlinson and Glynis Johns. Disney successfully melds live action sequences with stop-animation, cell animation, song and dance routines. Set in 1910, the story is that of a stultified British family being run with cold efficiency by a draconian father, who pays no mind to his two children, Jane and Michael, and their suffragette mother. The children attempt to gain their parents’ attention by unsettling a slew of nannies, until Mary Poppins arrives to save them. Poppins has magical powers that enchant the children and she eventually brings the family back together, with the aid of her friend Bert (van Dyke). Charming songs include “Chim-Chim-Cher-Ee” and “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.” The film was nominated for thirteen Academy Awards, winning five including Best Picture. Screen debut of Julie Andrews, who won the Oscar for Best Actress.

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In ACMI's collection



Robert Stevenson


Walt Disney

production company

Walt Disney Productions



Production places
United States
Production dates

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