The Taking of Pelham one two three

United States, 1974

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A thriller drama of the 70s about a well-planned train hijack of a New York City subway train, Pelham one two three (the name of the train’s starting station and its departure time, 1.23 pm). The highly organised armed gang of four is led by a British ex-mercenary who calls himself Mr Blue (Robert Shaw). Their demand is for $1 million in cash from the City of New York in exchange for 18 hostages contained in the first car which has been detached from the rest of the hijacked train. If their demand is not met within one hour, then one hostage will die for every minute the money is late. In the firing line is Lt Zachary Garber (Walter Matthau) of the Transit Authority Police who has the unenviable task of negotiating directly with Mr Blue and the heavy weight of the hostages’ lives in his hands. Panic and chaos ensue, and lives are lost, as frantic efforts are made to raise the cash. The plot has an interesting twist and the characters are made up of an eclectic mix. Based on the novel by John Gody with screenplay by Peter Stone, the film although full of suspense and drama laced with the odd moment of humour, unfortunately falls down when some of this humour involves racial slurring. Cast also includes Martin Balsam (Mr Green), Hector Elizondo (Mr Grey) and Earl Hindman (Mr Brown) and Lee Wallace (New York City Mayor).

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In ACMI's collection



Joseph Sargent


Edgar J. Scherick

Gabriel Katzka

production company

Palladium Productions

Palomar Pictures



Production places
United States
Production dates

Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.

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