Gangs of New York

United States, 2002

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With “Gangs of New York” Martin Scorsese (Casino, Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, The Last temptation of Christ) produced his most mainstream and commercially ambitious film to date. “Gangs” tells the story of New York as it was in the mid-19th century - a violent and untamed arena of gangs, immigrants, crooks and crime. Anchoring the narrative is Bill the Butcher (Daniel Day-Lewis) a ruthless American-born gang ruler with a merciless nature who delights in taunting immigrants. In an almighty showdown (with an array of killing apparatus used in hand-to-hand combat) Bill kills the honourable Irish Priest Vallon. Years later Vallon’s young son, Amsterdam, who witnesses the murder, seeks vengeance, even as he forms a bond with the charismatic Bill. A part of Amsterdam’s journey sees him romancing the free-spirited pickpocket Jenny (Cameron Diaz) and leading his own honourable ‘gang’, amid a climate of sanctioned corruption and overt racism. Scorsese’s eighteenth feature divided the critics in terms of its merit. Indeed some elements of the film, principally the romance between Jenny and Amsterdam (arguably added to entice a youth audience), don’t quite gel and reputed clashes between Scorsese and Miramax boss (and producer) Harvey Weinstein may account for the film’s uneven tenor. What does impress however is the scale of the sets, the epic historical tone and the extraordinary central performance by Daniel Day Lewis. Nominated for ten (winning zero) Academy Awards.

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