Fat pizza

Australia, 2003

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This Australian comedy, based on the SBS television show “Pizza”, has an irreverent anarchic flavour that is certain to (intentionally) offend. Pauly (Paul Fenech) is a pizza delivery boy who works for the explosively bad-tempered Bobo (Johnny Boxer); Pauly’s other main occupation is to drive about in his souped-up car, with its blaring sub-woofer stereo; meanwhile his friends Sleek (Paul Nakad), and Davo (Jabba) similarly cruise around in their own customised vehicle, encountering violent cops and sexually eager women. Fans of the series will recognise the vigour with which writer Fenech attacks sacred cows of Australian culture - principally, but not exclusively, the young male Lebanese/Australian racial stereotype - whilst applying a thick layer of infantile machismo and t&a humour. Certainly not to the taste of all, but quite original and daring in both concept and execution. Cast also incudes Annalise Braakensiek with cameos by Merv Hughes, Tim Ferguson, Jeff Fenech, Shane Porteous, Red Symons, Bernard King and Kamahl.

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