Bowling for Columbine [DVD]

United States, 2002

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Michael Moore’s 2002 documentary came in the wake of the burgeoning fame and infamy that the social and media commentator, agent provocateur, satirist and political activist garnered with his television series, “The Awful truth” and publications including “Stupid white men”. In this work Moore addresses the problem of violence in America, focusing on gun culture, the prevalence of gun ownership and the sanctity of the American right to bear arms. Moore’s approach is to interview a variety of people attempting to depict a tapestry that may explain America’s relationship to guns. Among his interviewees are student survivors of the 1999 Columbine school massacre, National Rifle Association spokesperson and actor, Charlton Heston, politicians, police and various gun enthusiasts. Moore tries to dispel myths that are propagated as an explanation as to why American society is so at war with itself - its bloody history, the volume of guns amid the population, violence in the media, American’s preponderance for violent video games and films. Moore questions these theories by focusing on other less violent countries with these same qualities. One of Moore’s strongest theories is that the scare-mongering prevalent in society, broadcast through the media, and the popularity of reality TV shows, such as “COPS”, promotes the notion that danger is omnipresent to the individual and must be countered. Winner of Best Documentary at the 2003 Academy Awards, Moore’s acceptance speech earned him even greater notoriety when he criticised US President Bush and the war on Iraq.

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In ACMI's collection



Michael Moore


Jim Czarnecki

Kathleen Glynn

Michael Moore

production company

Dog Eat Dog Films

Salter Street Films




Production places
United States
Production dates

Collection metadata

ACMI Identifier







Audience classification

M (15+)






DVD; Access Print (Section 1)



Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.

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