L.I.E. = LIE [DVD]

United States, 2001

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Writer/director Michael Cuesta’s feature film debut deals with the difficult, often emotive, subject of paedophilia with compassion and sensitivity combined with an air of realism and awareness of teenage sexuality and the complexities of life that often face young male adolescents as they forge their way into adulthood. L.I.E., which stands for Long Island Expressway, is a symbolic reminder to 15 year-old Howie (Paul Franklin Dano) who has recently lost his mother through a car accident on the L.I.E. and is struggling to cope emotionally with her loss. His father Marty (Bruce Altman) who finds solace in a shallow based-on-sex relationship with his new girlfriend is also on the run from the law through his corrupt business practices and barely has time for his lonely grieving son. Disillusioned and confused, Howie forms a bond with three rather rebellious and streetwise dysfunctionals who spend more time out of school than in, robbing local houses to finance their habits. The relationship between Howie, and Gary (Billy Kay), who unbeknownst to Howie sometimes works as a male prostitute, evolves into something beyond friendship, causing Howie to reflect on his sexuality and his feelings towards Gary. But the issue of Howie’s sexuality soon takes another path when through one of his robbery escapades with Gary, he meets middle-aged ex-marine “Big John” Harrigan (Brian Cox) - a regular customer of Gary’s who has a penchant for boys in their early teens. When Gary runs off to California, and his father is arrested by the FBI, Howie finds an unexpected degree of emotional support in his relationship with the rather curious and compassionate paedophile who seemingly understands Howie’s tenuous and helpless situation. A very moving story with moments of warmth and humour but which also delves into the murkier side of urban life and paedophilia. In the director’s words “It was vital the audience could relate to Big John, even sympathise with him, but I tried very hard to make sure his intentions were constantly blurred”. Superb cinemaphotography by Romeo Tirone and outstanding performances by the lead actors, makes this multi-award winning film compelling viewing, both emotionally and psychologically. (Awards: Edinburgh 2001, Stockholm 2001, Independent Spirit Awards 2002) [End of file]

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This work has not been digitised and is currently unavailable to view online. It may be possible for approved reseachers to view onsite at ACMI.

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In ACMI's collection



Michael Cuesta


Linda Moran

Michael Cuesta

Rene Bastian

production company

Alter Ego




Production places
United States
Production dates

Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.

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