ACMI is proud to partner with Gandel Foundation, who have provided a generous Flagship Grant that will see us improve access to learning outcomes for students and teachers in regional areas and onsite at Fed Square, enabling young people to explore the skills and creativity needed for the jobs of their future.
This grant will enable our two revitalised education studios – the Gandel Digital Future Labs – where students and teachers will access the technology and creative tools to create their own moving image works when ACMI reopens in 2021.
Thanks to the generous support of Gandel Foundation, we are also working with Geelong Tech School and Bendigo Tech School to develop programs that explore emerging technologies. Established as local education hubs, these Tech Schools provide bespoke delivery models for secondary schools tailored to key industries in their respective regions. ACMI’s expert educators continue to harness the technology embedded in these schools to provide an ongoing teaching resource. Our team supports the use of these tools to enable and enhance creative storytelling and expression of ideas.

John Gandel AC and Pauline Gandel AC have supported many community initiatives and programs across Australia. ACMI acknowledges their important contribution to the cultural life of Australia and is grateful for Gandel Foundation’s valuable support. Our partnership will increase digital literacy in young people in a time of fake news and equip the next generation of moving image makers with hands-on learning experiences.

Schools & Teachers
We offer a range of learning opportunities both onsite and online, for students and teachers alike. In 2022 you'll be able to join us at ACMI for an exhibition visit, workshop, talk or cinema program. In the meantime, connect with us through online programs and learning resources.