South Park Rally for PlayStation

Australia, 1999


Based on the popular TV series, this kart-tyle racing game includes many of the characters from the show’s first two seasons. These include series mainstays like Stan, Kyle, Eric and Kenny to more unique characters like Mr. Garrison, Dr. Mephesto, and Terrance and Phillip, which have to be unlocked. While racing, a player can pick up different coloured boxes with a set of randomised items that can be used to boost the player or hinder other players. Other competitive game modes include variations of tag, collecting special items and delivering objects before other players do. Series creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker were not involved in the development of the game, but did provide voice work for the characters.

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In ACMI's collection



Tantalus Media


Acclaim Entertainment Ltd

Production places
Production dates

Appears in

Group of items

Play It Again II: Games Collection


Collection metadata

ACMI Identifier


Subject category


Object Types

Computer game optical disc/Computer game/Game

Computer game/Game


CD-ROM videogame. CD-ROM and manual in CD jewel case with insert

Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.

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