The House of the Dead for Sega Saturn

Australia, 1998


The House of the Dead is console port of the popular arcade shooter. The player, as agent Thomas Rogan or his partner “G” must rescue Rogan’s fiancée Sophie Richards from the evil scientist Dr. Curien and his undead creations.

This release inherits the same a rail shooter mechanic, where the player is guided through a haunted mansion filled with the undead. The player must shoot any enemies before being attacked while also not shooting any hostages. Items that grant health or different upgrades can also be found. The game also has several points where the player can actively affect the course of the game through their actions. For instance, if a player saves a hostage who is about to be thrown from a bridge, that hostage can open a different route through the game.

This port also contains two extra modes called Saturn Mode and Boss Mode. Saturn mode plays like the arcade game, but offers the player different characters to choose from who have varying attributes like reload time and amount of health. The Boss Mode allows the player to fight one boss of their choosing or all of the game’s four boss monsters consecutively.

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In ACMI's collection



Tantalus Media



Production places
Production dates

Appears in

Group of items

Play It Again II: Games Collection


Collection metadata

ACMI Identifier


Subject category


Object Types

Computer game optical disc/Computer game/Game

Computer game/Game


CD-ROM videogame. CD-ROM and manual in Sega Saturn case

Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.

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