Lara Croft: tomb raider (Special collector's edition) [DVD]

United States, 2001

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From the video game “Tomb raider” comes the first live action film, featuring heroine (and internet icon) Lara Croft. Lady Croft is an aristocrat who enjoys breaking the rules and shocking her peers by subverting her femininity. She is astute, athletic, a talented sharpshooter, an authority on archaeology and a dextrous woman who misses her daddy. Lara discovers an ancient clock that (when combined with its missing pieces) is able to control time. It is up to Lara to destroy the clock and prevent its power from falling to the Illuminati - a secret society that aims to harness this mystic force perpetuated by a rare planetary alignment that occurs every 5000 years. The film is a modern mix of digital effects and live action sequences filmed at various exotic locations including Cambodia and Iceland. Jolie certainly looks the part with her large bosom and lithe physique, but her performance is decidedly clunky and heavy handed. Paying a huge debt to Indiana Jones, “Lara Croft” is steeped in a faux mysticism (intriguing given that most characters are either killing, maiming or at the very least destroying ancient tombs) but despite its flaws still manages to achieve a certain level of escapist fun.

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This work has not been digitised and is currently unavailable to view online. It may be possible for approved reseachers to view onsite at ACMI.

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In ACMI's collection



Simon West


Colin Wilson

Lawrence Gordon

Lloyd Levin

production company

Mutual Film Company

Paramount Pictures



Production places
United States
Production dates

Please note: this archive is an ongoing body of work. Sometimes the credit information (director, year etc) isn’t available so these fields may be left blank; we are progressively filling these in with further research.

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If you would like to cite this item, please use the following template: {{cite web |url= |title=Lara Croft: tomb raider (Special collector's edition) [DVD] |author=Australian Centre for the Moving Image |access-date=5 May 2024 |publisher=Australian Centre for the Moving Image}}